Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Photo Shoot

It was a  Wednesday morning.  The day of my first professional photoshoot. I’m sharing this is because I made a powerful, conscious shift.

I’ve been exploring a new direction in my coaching practice. You’ll here more about that in the coming months. There is change-work for me to do. Continued success requires a new way of thinking. 

I like to think of things in terms of values. What’s important? How do I want to show up? As I explored those questions the answer was simple and clear. Powerful. Successful. Aligned. That’s what my inner state needs to be.

I needed photos taken for my new website. I wasn’t looking forward to the experience. I hate having my picture taken. Oddly, it was a significant hurdle. It was also my first opportunity to step out as an expression of my new brand.

I worked with my coach to choose the photographer, we chose the one whose work is best.  I found the idea of him intimidating. At his suggestion I put together a playlist that supported the right mood for the photos. I did a lot of visualization work, often with the music playing, so that I could reframe the fear that came up. 

I had a good sleep the night before and a quiet morning that day. Before I knew it the car was packed and I was heading out to the studio. Tom, the photographer was laid back. He made me feel comfortable, but kept things high-energy. 

We talked about the qualities I wanted to bring out. We added Fun. My butterflies turned to excitement. I was ready to go. I was just goofing around. Listening to my happy, energetic music. Expressing what the  brand means to me. I got some instruction, and, we laughed a lot.

I shifted by working on being powerful, successful and aligned as I moved though my day to day life.  I focused my spiritual practice on exploring and expressing those qualities. It is a great example of how spiritual work can help us with very practical things.

Have you had an experience where spiritual practice, or focus, has helped you with a practical goal? I’d love to hear about it.

Connect with Brian

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

One Step Forward

  Sometimes we need to allow one door to close so that another can open. It is just as important when we are moving into a new way of living as it is when we are trying to release an old behaviour.

Once you’ve set a goal, reflect on what the goal represents. What part of your life will the goal shift? How much energy you are still using to support your old ways?

We all have limited energy to work with. Recognize, and honour your limitations. Focus on the important  things and use your energy for them. If what you’re trying to accomplish is significant you won’t have enough resources to focus on old behaviours.

Career changes are a great example. Particularly for entrepreneurs. I am currently rethinking my coaching practice. I won’t have the time, or energy,  to run both practices for ever. I’ll need to cut ties with my old business so that my new one can flourish. 

Doing that can also be a powerful way to create a success mindset. At some point you must burn your bridges. By letting go of the security they provide you create a deep need to get to the next step. If you manage the inevitable stress you will push into your new reality.

Giving up security can be difficult. You may loose some relationships that you value. If your change is  profound enough, you will have to shift too. Let go of the old you and be ready for a time of uncertainty. This identity crisis will allow a new you to step out into the world. 

Significant change requires you  to transform. Every area of your life will be impacted. Consider the impacts before you start to shift. There will be surprises along the way,  but at least you’ll be ready for what you can see coming. 

Do you agree that cutting yourself off from the security of where you were is the best way to push yourself froward?

I’d love to hear why, or why not.

Connect with Brian