Is summer creating stress for you? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. As the beautiful weather hits the northern hemisphere, patios are filling with locals and tourists. It sounds idyllic. The sudden rush to do things can make this season challenging.
If you are a parent you are dealing with children who need to be occupied when they aren’t in school. Everyone’s social schedule has gone into over-drive. You are pushing hard to meet pre-vacation deadlines. You are eating more, drinking more, and likely getting less sleep.
It is possible for fun to be stressful. Like everything else enjoyment must be kept in balance. Our time in the sun is short. People feel pressured to get as much time outside as possible before the seasons turn. I just finished a two week period without a single free evening. It’s been a good time,but, I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed.
What to do? Take stock of your schedule. Understanding the commitments you have can help put things in perspective. Figure out how much time is already spoken for. Don’t forget to set aside time for the things that replenish you. Moving your exercise routine outside can really help. It is a perfect way to feel like you’re not missing out while taking care of yourself.
Now that you know how much time s spoken for. Take some time to think about what you’d like to do with what’s left. Even if you are in a relationship, or have a family, do this on your own first. Be honest. Write it down. If you’re on your own. You’re done. Execute your plan and be flexible enough to accept social invitations if they appeal to you.
If there is someone else in the picture it’s time to negotiate. Set the stage by finding the things you both want to do. That way you’re starting on a positive note. Then, start looking at the priorities you both have, Do you both need some alone-time to enjoy the good weather? Take it. Fairly allocate whatever is left so that everyone feels honoured and supported. Appreciate your partner’s willingness to do things for you by reciprocating. Say no to social invitations that you would rather not accept.
Keeping your time under control is always one of the best ways to de-stress. This social time of the year is one of the best to learn how to keep things in balance by saying no. Is summer stressing you out? Let me know why, or why not.
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