Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Success: Get Your Vlaues Flowing

In this installment of the Success series we’ll get the values list you created flowing so that all of your values can support each other. The break in the flow is called a values conflict. By clearing these conflicts the flow is re-established and life can move more fluidly

We’re going to start at the top of your list and work our way down dealing with each pair of values that has a conflict. Review the instructions first so that you’ll have a good grasp of the steps. It’ll make the process a lot easier.

Choose two values to work on.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Put your hands palms up on each knee.
Get in touch with the uppermost value.
What do you call it, what does it look like, how does it feel, does it make a sound?
Ask the value to stand on one of your hands.
Get in touch with the second value.
What do you call it, what does it look like, how does it feel, does it make a sound?
Ask the second value to stand on your other hand.
Ask the second value to relax and observe while you ask the first value some questions.
Ask the first value its highest intention for you.
Keep asking until you get to a very big universal like love, joy, or even existence.
Ask the first value to observe while you ask the second value some questions.
Ask the second value its highest intention for you.
Keep asking until you get to a very big universal like love, joy, or even existence.
Repeat the process until they reach the same purpose.
Ask them to notice that they have the same highest intention.
Ask them to consider that they were once part of greater whole.
Suggest that the purpose of the greater whole was to ensure that they reach their common goal.
As a unified whole they could accomplish their highest purpose more effectively.
Allow your hands to come together as you process this.
Give the values enough time to integrate.
When your hands come together open your eyes, and then your hands.
Notice a “super part” that has formed between you hands.
Notice all of its qualities.
Bring your open hands to your heart and absorb this new “super part” into you.
If you have any questions send me your comments.

How do you feel now that your values are flowing naturally? Has it provided clarity? I’d love to hear from you.

Connect with Brian

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